My work increasingly results from being open to chance encounters with random marks, objects and words. This series resulted from a chance finding of an old book of poems by Thomas Grey. A poem titled ‘The descent of Odin’ was the starting point of this series. The...
EVENTIDE This series responds to the transience and beauty of that special time of the day that is Eventide. Hold the Light. This golden hour When Turquoise, tossed with Fizzy Orange and Sherbet Pink (Try pinning that upon the wall)! Play light and colour in the sky....
Individual Works
These works, whilst not directly fitting into the 'series' works, still encompass many of the same ideas explored within them.
Between Land and Sea
An understanding of landscape in both micro and macro terms underpins these works. A moment in the flux of time becomes the substance and matter of its existence. A variety of materials are used, often to enact the ephemeral idea, and smaller works might crystallise...
Consideration of how we view the horizon lead to this series of work. Whilst we regard the horizon as the extent of our vision, it does of course surround us and forever extends our boundaries. Where we place ourselves within this continuum and field of vision was the...
Passage series
The word ‘passage’ alludes to movement between and within time, space and place. It can be considered in philosophical metaphorical and physical terms. ‘The Density of Time’ consists of accumulated marks with variations in size, pressure and materials, indicative of...
If, on a winter’s night
Nights in winter are dark and cold, sometimes mysterious and muffled. There is a special silence and mystery about them.